How Your Church Can Support Solus Christus
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
Solus Christus is a nonprofit organization located in East Bend, NC with the passion to help women hear the gospel of Jesus Christ while beginning their recovery journey from substance abuse. We support each woman by providing for their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs during their stay with us. We can only do this work with the support of faithful church partners. Please consider partnering with us!
Hold Our Hands
As Moses needed his hands supported for his work, we need you. It takes ongoing financial partners like you to feed, house and take care of the women who come through the Solus Christus program; to pay the full-time staff needed to handle the intake and care of the women; to pay for housing maintenance, utilities and monthly bills. Help us sustain and grow the ministry through your financial support.
Additional Ways Your Church Can Get Involved and Support Solus Christus
A church's direct financial support is crucial to our ministry's continuation. Here are ways your church can support us financially:
Give annually as part of the church's budget. If your budget is already set this year, consider adding Solus Christus to
next year's budget.
Hold a special offering to support Solus once or twice annually. Announce the offering in advance so congregation members can be thinking and praying about giving on
that Sunday.
Attend the In Christ Alone: Solus Christus Fundraising Gala, held each fall, and give!
As a church, organize a fundraiser event such as a bake sale, yard sale or car wash and donate proceeds to Solus Christus
Learn more about our ministry and support us in prayer:
Solus Christus staff and women would love to come out to your church and give a presentation along with testimonies. Please contact us if interested in coordinating a date and time.
Attend a Solus Christus Connect event on-site at our East Bend property. Learn about the ministry first-hand. Encourage your staff and congregation to attend.
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram. Or email us at to sign up for our e-newsletter so your church can stay up to date.
Set up a meeting with our director Andrea Allen to learn more about Solus Christus and discuss best ways to partner with us.
Please encourage your staff and congregation to pray that Christ would be honored and glorified through our ministry.
Pray that women who come to Solus Christus would experience life-changing grace and wholeness found only in Christ Jesus.
Pray that full-time staff at Solus Christus would find rest and strength in Jesus, enabling their ongoing work in the ministry.
Become an advocate to support Solus Christus in so many other ways:
Set up a donation basket in your church for Solus Christus. Visit our Wish List page to see what we need. Communicate the needs to your church. We're happy to supply the basket and can email you a Wish List
flyer too.
Have your church or a group from your church contact us about doing a volunteer work day, or providing a meal and sharing it with the women.
Add a link/information about Solus Christus on your website, as a ministry your
church supports.
Do you have a display or information kiosk at your church for supported ministries? Consider adding us to your display.
P.O. Box 416
East Bend, NC 27018
Call us 336-813-3007

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