P.O. Box 416
East Bend, NC 27018
Call us 336-813-3007
Solus Christus is a residential stepping stone for women
who desire freedom from substance abuse.
Transforming women through hope, healing, and recovery in Christ.

A Christ-centered program for women to be equipped and
supported for recovery.
We partner with churches, small businesses, non-profits, and individuals in the work of the Gospel. The generosity of these partners enables us to help women begin their journey to lasting recovery.

My life crumbled around me because of a substance abuse addiction. [My] marriage ended, I lost a career and custody of my children...Solus Christus opened their doors to me and God met me there and surrounded me with His love, grace, and presence. I surrendered full control of my life to God while at Solus...leading me from there to Safe Harbor for a 2 year journey of deep healing and discovery of who I am in Christ. Today I am remarried to a Godly man, have my children in my life, and live a life of purpose. I am able to share the love of Jesus to others through volunteer work. Solus Christus will always have a special place in my heart. They offered me a place to rest in the Lord amidst the chaos that I created in my addiction.
- Samantha H.
Solus Christus was the beginning of my journey with the Lord. I have known Jesus all my life, however I was reintroduced to Him at Solus and was able to begin building my foundation there. The leaders at Solus Christus showed me what the love of God felt like and the entire staff displayed His nature so beautifully to me. I walked in the doors at Solus broken, angry, hopeless, and severely wounded. I walked out of the doors at Solus with a new love for Jesus, a hope for the future, and an amazing foundation to begin my walk with the Lord. Almost 2 years later I am still walking closely with the Lord and sober. I have met women in many different area codes who are my sister in Christ and my “solus sisters” I am so grateful for the many wondrous ways the Lord works through Solus Christus!
- Elizabeth M.
I remember being dropped off at Solus, not really knowing what was ahead or how much it would change my life. Jesus became so real to me, and while it felt like a shock at first, it ended up being the biggest blessing in learning how to live sober. Solus Christus made a lasting impact on my life. Thank you, Jesus!
- Sarah E.
I came to Solus Christus after having a path where I worked the steps and sponsored women for 14 years. Then I relapsed hiding in darkness for another 14 years. If God is light and truth, what was I doing living in darkness? I arrived at SOLUS CHRISTUS three days before my 69th birthday. My mind said I was too old to begin again, but the power of the Lord said not so there at Solus. I am now back in California restored and living in abundance of life as his vessel with manifested unspeakable joy to God, surrounded by my family. Glory to God !!!
- Lindele J.
Solus Christus is a wonderful beginning to an amazing recovery. Everyone is so kind hearted and always there for you anytime!
- Siera M.
Since the first time I met everyone at Solus Christus until this present moment, the Lord has showered me with his grace! 4 years ago I didn't know God and if I'm being honest was starting to think there wasn't one. I was homeless, strung out on meth with nowhere to go and no real friends or family left. Now almost three amazing years later I have that and more. I'm not going to say that things don't get hard from time to time but knowing that God is with me in all things that I do makes me stronger than I could have ever imagined myself to be. May all the glory be to God.
- Kendel R.
When I arrived at Solus Christus I was beyond broken. I’d been up for days, strung out on meth, heroin, and fent. My family had cut me off, I’d been arrested, spent time in jail, my kids had been taken, I’d been homeless. I came to the conclusion I would die in my mess. I'd lost all hope. BUT GOD. As time passed the fog began to clear. I heard a verse: with God in her she will not fail. I knew God was in me and began to believe I might have a chance. I began to participate, studied God's word, memorized scriptures and songs. I was alive again. I was surrounded by family. My Solus Sisters. Today I look in the mirror and love the God-fearing women looking back at me. I have my two beautiful girls back. I get to tuck them in at night and wake them up in the morning. For the first time in their lives I am truly present. I'm so grateful for Solus Christus. I truly believe had I not walked through their doors I'd not be alive to share my experience today.
- Jolene M.
When I was released from jail a friend told me about Solus. Part of me wanted to get better [from my addiction], but I still fought with the idea that I needed to get just one more time out of my system.
Within a couple days of coming to Solus I was able to remember what it felt like to be loved. Not because of anything I could give in return, but just because the people at Solus genuinely loved me. I was welcomed to the farmhouse with open arms, and every need I had was met. I came running back to Jesus and He rescued me. In December of this year, I will celebrate five years in recovery. God has brought me through so many things and allowed me to accomplish more than I could’ve ever imagined.
- Jennifer Y.
Solus Christus really means a lot to me in a very special way. One thing that stood out to me that still helps me today is that Solus Christus introduced me to having a relationship with the Lord and knowing that he loves me because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
- Crystal W.
I grew up in church and was baptized at a young age. As time passed, I drifted away from church. At age 18 I started doing drugs and heavily drinking. This continued for over 20 years and I was basically in “self-destruct” mode, in and out of jail for 15 of those years. But that was my old life and I am happy to share that I am redeemed!
God has delivered me from myself, all the chaos and all the darkness. The BIG God that I serve rescued me from the pit of hell and brought me to his palace! God showers his blessings over me every day. His love, grace, and mercy endures forever! This is my new life. My old one is gone and I am a NEW creature. Glory be to God!
- Jennifer H.
Growing up, drugs and alcohol were never around! I had a normal childhood, everything a kid could want, I had. Into my 2nd semester [at college], I got a phone call...my boyfriend/best friend had been in an accident and died the night before. From that moment on it was as if I died too! I started drinking really heavily and got introduced to pain pills and drugs. I tried quitting a few times but I didn’t like the fact that all my heartache would come right back to me and so I failed over and over again! Over 15 years go by....God sat me down in a jail cell. God showed up and he showed me the way. Here I am 16 months sober and I finally feel like myself again! My life and my family has been restored! Joel 2:25 God said, “ I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten”, and indeed he has! I believe that God let’s us hit rock bottom so we can discover that he is the rock at the bottom. So I give God all the praise and glory, for he has turned my mess into a message.
- Brandy C.
P.O. Box 416
East Bend, NC 27018
Call us 336-813-3007

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